Fathers - Wrestling with Your Angel (Pt. 5)
No man is exempt from wrestling with his angel. Whether he realizes it or not, there are moments in his life when he must become sure of God’s purpose. Every man must realize that God has a purpose for his life. Each man must learn to submit to the Father’s greater purpose. A man’s understanding of God’s purpose changes the destiny of the generations following him. Dr. Myles Munroe shared this comment:
“You possess the capacity to be a leader within the sphere of the purpose for which you were born.”
Every man must mature to the point where he realizes that God’s purpose for his life includes his sons. A father’s son is the one that carries his name into the future. God promised that He would make Abram a father of nations. God’s declaration would not become a reality without a son. The challenge that confronts most men is simply fulfilling God’s purpose the way He planned it. Men often want to help God complete the plan He has revealed to them. Abraham was no exception. In this way, he wrestled with his angel.
Genesis, beginning with chapter twelve, reveals the promise God made to Abram. In short, “God promised to make him into a great nation.” Gen.12:2. The Lord told Abram he would have a son—by his wife Sarai. However, Sarai was barren, and they had not conceived a child during their marriage. What does a man do when promised something that he has longed for all of his life? The Bible confirms that Abram believed in God. Abram took the revelation of God as truth.
Abram thought God was sharing a promise with him. However, God shared more than a promise. In reality, God shared His purpose for Abram’s future. When God shares His plan for a man’s life, He also shares how He will accomplish His plan. Most men are excited to know the plans that God has for them. However, they struggle with fulfilling the Father’s purpose the way He revealed it to them.
Like most men, Abram soon realized that his wife was barren and that his plan to help God was unacceptable. Abram would have a child by Hagar, the maidservant of his wife. When God promises a man something that he realizes is beyond his natural ability, that same man will often take matters into his own hands. Hagar conceived a son, but this son was not the son of promise because the plan of God involved Sarai. This scenario caused Abram to wrestle with an angel.
“If only Ishmael might live under your blessing!” (Gen. 17:18b) Every man will wrestle with an angel when he realizes that what he can do naturally can never fulfill what God has promised spiritually. Have you, as a man, experienced this same challenge in your own life. You may be living this challenge right now in your life. Please know that God is big enough to cover both you and your challenge. Also, know that God will take care of what is produced by your honest attempt to fulfill His original plan. However, God will remain faithful to achieve the promise the way He revealed it to you.
We pray for every man who finds himself in this story. Be encouraged and know that God works all things for His good—including you!