Fathers - Wrestling with Your Angel (Pt. 7)

How many men live their lives for the pleasure of the moment? How many sons grow up with no understanding of who they are? Too many men live their lives without realizing the treasures that they already have. A man’s treasure has always been his family. Men somehow work and run after things that don’t matter. What are you wrestling with?

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Fathers - Wrestling with Your Angel (Pt. 4)

Most of you men reading this blog have had to face storms in your lives. Many of you are facing storms right now! One thing is true, storms cannot be avoided. At some point in every man’s life, he must endure a storm. This may involve a storm in your relationship, your finances, your employment, or your health. Regardless of the type of storm you face, one thing is sure—there will be a storm.

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Fathers - Wrestling with Your Angel (Pt. 2)

As a man, a husband, and a father, Jacob is prepared to face the consequences of his past. Like every man, he had made some mistakes that now stand between him and his future. What do you do when you face a situation without any revelation of the outcome? How do you handle yourself when you know your past decisions have placed your entire family at risk?

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A Father's Heart

The relationship between a father and a son is more important than we realize. Every man should be excited about becoming a father. A husband and wife have the opportunity to duplicate themselves in their children. We know that raising children is a great responsibility.

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Leading is More Important than Winning

Every man must learn the lesson that leading is more important than winning. They must realize that God anoints leadership positions, but He must raise a leader to fit His anointing. Every man must realize that God has anointed the positions that men are called to fill—whether they be husbands, fathers, or brothers sharpening one another. If men commit to being the husbands, fathers, or brothers serving the Lord, they will witness the anointing that comes with those roles.

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Men Were Meant to Sharpen Men

In these present times, boys don’t always grow up to be men. Also, men don’t grow up being mature. For a boy to become a man, he must have an example of manhood. When there is no authentic or genuine example of manhood, boys will grow up to become something they were not created to be.

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Kings Were Meant to Cover

Today’s families are desperate for covering. Anything uncovered is exposed. Sons and daughters remain vulnerable in the absence of fathers. I encourage every man to respond to the calling to lead, but one cannot lead without covering.

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Building an Army of Men

God’s will is to have an army of men in the earth as He has in heaven. God created men to represent His presence in the earth. Manhood is under attack. Fatherhood is subject to compromise. The role of the man in our culture today is under assault. and it will take an army of men to fulfill the purpose of God for manhood today.

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Waking Up Men

It is apparent that some things happen in our very midst, but we fail to realize the implications or consequences of what has happened until it is too late! This is not something new but has happened numerous times before. The greater challenge is that many of these things that have happened in the past are still overlooked in the present. Things happen over and over again, and it seems like no one learns the lessons from the consequences of previous experiences.

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These Were the Men Who Came

Men are drawn to leadership because they are seeking the confirmation of their identities and the affirmation of their purposes. Manhood must be both taught and then caught. Men must have leaders because manhood must be learned by example. Where else can can boys learn about leadership but from a leader? Where else can young men learn about fatherhood except from fathers?

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If You Cannot See It, You Cannot Become It

It is apparent in the times we are living in that there are numerous ways to see things. Not everyone sees things the same way. Also, it should be understood that the various influences that an individual is exposed to shapes how they see things. Each is responsible for his or her interpretation of those things they are exposed to as well as the conclusions they arrive at as a result of their different interpretations.

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So Goes the Man, So Goes the House

Men live in a culture that has compromised their authority while undermining their identity. And like the men in Joshua’s day, men today have been lulled to sleep concerning their families and their homes. The point must be made that men today need to be challenged like the men in Joshua’s day.

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Men, Where Are You?

From the beginning to the present men have been missing. Men are missing in homes today. Men are missing out in the lives of their children. Men are missing in the church and sometimes the work-place as well. When it comes to our communities today, men are missing as a result of violence and crime. Although there are many more reasons why men are missing, the real question is: “Where are the men?” If men are missing, they still are somewhere. In reality, they are somewhere else because it is evident they are not where they are supposed to be. This is not a new challenge. The absence of men has been a reality throughout the generations. The greater challenge today is whether men can be found, and restored to their rightful place in the communities of life.

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The Opportunity to be King

The word opportunity is defined in two ways. First, it can refer to “a favorable juncture of circumstances.” An opportunity also involves “a good chance for advancement or progress.”  The combination of these two definitions reveals that an opportunity occurs under the right conditions or circumstances while providing the possibility to advance. If a man is to take advantage of opportunities, he must prepare in advance. 

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The Why Men Cover

The writer of Hebrews makes it clear that Jesus is the only person able to represent the Father in the earth. The point is made that Jesus has been appointed the heir of all things, but more importantly is the fact that everything was made through him. Then a revelation is shared for us to meditate on. The Son has the responsibility to sustain everything by the power of His word. In short, Jesus is the source of all creation. Because He is responsible for what He has created, He has the responsibility to sustain it.

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